
Heidi6695My name is Julie and I own two Singer treadle sewing machines. Not sure how that happened! Just one would have been adequate. One is a Singer 66-1 Red-eye and the other is a Singer 127 Sphinx.

This website will help you identify your machine and then help you get it ready to sew. Then you’ll learn how to treadle. After that you will be set to sew your first project on your machine. What will you sew first?

Also covered is how to maintain and repair your machine for many beautiful future sewing projects. Happy Sewing!




This blog does not cover the question everyone seems to want to know – how much is a particular treadle machine worth? The answer is – it depends. It depends on where you live, the condition of the machine, if all the parts and accessories are present and in good working order, and how great the demand is for that machine. There are many, many other variables too.  If you are buying or selling a machine, do some research on your particular model, compare yours or the one you want to be yours to other machines on the market in your area on Craigslist etc., and then use your best judgement on what the machine is worth to you.

Disclaimer: The information on my website is accurate as far as I know. We all make mistakes, so using the any information on this website is at your own risk. Use your best judgement. Links change. I am not responsible for links that may turn out to be offensive or objectionable. I do my best to link to appropriate sources. These are my personal views only and my own opinion. What I write is not to be taken as fact nor absolute. If you use my advice, tips, techniques, and recommendations, and are injured, or your machine is damaged, I am not to be held responsible. This content is mine and may not be copied.